Un hombre que cultiva un jardín, como quería Voltaire A man who cultivates a garden, as Voltaire wanted
El que agradece que en la tierra haya música The one who is thankful that music exists
El que descubre con placer una etimología The one who discovers, with pleasure, an etymology
Dos empleados que en un café del Sur juegan un silencioso ajedrez Two employees who silently play chess in a Southern café
El ceramista que premedita un color y una forma The ceramist who ponders a color and a form
Un tipógrafo que compone bien esta página, que tal vez no le agrada A typographer who composes this page, which he may not like
Una mujer y un hombre que leen los tercetos finales de cierto canto A man and a woman who read the final triplets of a certain poem
El que acaricia a un animal dormido The one who caresses a sleeping animal
El que justifica o quiere justificar un mal que le han hecho The one who justifies, or wants to justify, the bad deeds done to him
El que agradece que en la tierra haya Stevenson. The one who is thankful that Stevenson exists
El que prefiere que los otros tengan razón The one who prefers for others to be right
Esas personas, que se ignoran, están salvando el mundo Those people, who go unnoticed, are saving the world

lundi, novembre 23, 2009


This is part of the interview with Jean Giraud (Moebius) appeared in la Contra de la Vanguardia, November 21st 2009 (a free-access version to that interview is available here):

P: ¿Qué ha conquistado?
R: Que usted esté aquí: cada pregunta suya es una victoria, el resultado de mi trabajo para conquistar el interés. Ser entrevistado es un privilegio que nadie conoce en la vida normal; es un requerimiento de autenticidad.

[Q: What have you conquered?
A: The fact that you're here: each of your questions is a victory, the outcome of my work to conquer people's interest. To be interviewed is a privilege the average person doesn't know in her daily life; it's a requirement of authenticity]

We strongly believe that many people deserve an interview, that they deserve to be heard, regardless of their fame, that they have many things to tell us all, and that they are authentic too.
This is what this blog is really about.

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