En principi havíem pensat en una cosa semblant a la Contra de la Vanguardia, però després hem decidit que potser no hem de posar un límit al tipus de preguntes i respostes, sinó més aviat al seu nombre. Per tant, limitarem les entrevistes a deu preguntes personalitzades: Les deu preguntes que li faríem a un desconegut per coneixe'l una mica més bé, per saber com pensa, què vol dir, etc.
Per descomptat, no assumim que aquest blog sigui ara per ara una tribuna que arribi molt i molt lluny i permeti a molta gent conèixer aquestes persones. Tanmateix, ho veiem com un primer pas, i potser alguns d'aquests materials podrien arribar algun altre dia a algun altre lloc, i ja hauríem fet alguna coseta... I si més no, com a mínim nosaltres podrem beneficiar-nos dels tresors que s'amaguen a les ments dels savis desconeguts, de les persones anònimes...
Les entrevistes es faran en l'idioma de la persona entrevistada sempre i quan sigui dintre de les nostres capacitats i es publicarà en aquesta llengua. Normalment, això inclourà anglès, català, espanyol, francès, italià, i portuguès, però no ens tanquem a qualsevol altra aportació. A més, posem el blog a disposició de qualsevol persona que vulgui fer una entrevista de deu preguntes a algú que li interessa i vol que aparegui aquí. El somni d'aquest blog és esdevenir una wikipèdia dels punts de vista personals i individuals.
Ens fa molta il·lusió portar a terme aquesta iniciativa i esperem que de debò la tirarem endavant.
Violeta and Txuss have decided to start this blog with interviews to the kind of people that Borges dubs Los Justos (the fair ones), i.e. people who have things to say to all of us, but who don’t have a tribune from which they can transmit their voices. People of all kind of social and intellectual background, of all kind of ideology. We want to know all the different ways to look at the world, and to see things. We want to learn from them all.
RépondreSupprimerIn principle, we had thought on following the model of interview in the section la Contra of the Spanish newspapaper la Vanguardia, but on second thoughts we decided against establishing a limit on the types of questions and answers, and rather decided on limiting their number. Therefore, we are going to stick to interviews of ten personalized questions the interviewee will be able to answer the way she prefers: the ten questions you would ask a stranger to get to know her a little better, to know how she sees things, what she has to say, etc.
We don’t assume that this blog is anything like a far-reaching tribune, from where everybody will be able to listen to these voices. However, we do see this as a first step in the way to get to know any other person. Maybe some of these materials will get somewhere else, and just that will provide a full justification for our blog... And at the very least, we ourselves will benefit of the many treasures hidden in the wisdom of the fair ones.
The interviews will preferably be undertaken in the native language of the person interviewed, provided it is among our capabilities, and they will then be published in that language. In principle, this includes English, Catalan, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. However, we open the door to any other language we are able to understand, even when we do not speak it ourselves. In addition, we’d like to think of this blog as a site available to anybody willing to post any 10-question interview to anybody she thinks is worth listening to. In the end, the dream of this blog would be becoming a Wikipedia of the personal individual points of view of every single person in the world.
We really hope that this initiative will become a reality in our lives.
Por mi parte, la primeta pregunta que haría al entrevistado sería: ¿Quiénes son Los Justos?. Roser D.
RépondreSupprimerla respuesta a tu pregunta, roser, está en el poema de Borges que encabeza este blog
RépondreSupprimerbé, a veure quan comenceu, eh?